Friday 5 September 2008

�Bangkok Dangerous� Just Like Nicolas Cage�s Marriage

�Bangkok Dangerous� Just Like Nicolas Cage�s Marriage
9/4/08 at 1:32 PM




"In my own life, I married a Korean lady and I know the enchantment, bewilderment and isolation of trying to fit into a culture and not knowing how. All of those feelings are organically rolled into Bangkok Dangerous." �Nicolas Cage [LAT]

"Week-to-week, that show answers a lot of questions, just not always the ones people feel are the ones that matter." �J.J. Abrams acknowledges that Lost is just toying with its audience [A.V. Club]

"At this point in the series, Michael and Lincoln between them have intentionally or unintentionally killed so many people and yet they're still running around with T-Bag � a maniac, a psychopath and a child killer and a rapist. Eventually, you have to wonder when is enough enough because it really makes my character look bad." �Wentworth Miller on the future of Prison Break [Digital Spy]

"It was not [about being] obvious or distasteful. The song's lyrics are enough." �Kinga Burza, director of the music video for Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" [MTV]

"The age range I give on my r�sum� is '65 to death.'" �Sylvia Kauders on not telling casting directors her real age [NYDN]

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